La Petite Marmoset

WHAT I WORE: tip to toe!

{dress- vintage Second Time Around (Philly)// belt- vintage Mustard Seed// shoes- Target}

Recently, I went to the opening of the new showroom for La Petite Marmoset a local company that reconstructs and redesigns vintage clothing. 

They have plenty of items for sale, like vintage jean shorts dyed every color of the rainbow, but they will also take your grandmother's muumuu and turn it into a mullet dress!

The showroom is housed in an awesome space walking distance from the Georgia Ave-Petworth metro station so you won't have to lug your wears too far; and there are plenty of local businesses to check out while you're in the neighborhood like Red Rocks for firebrick pizza or Sticky Fingers Bakery for vegan cupcakes! 

Congrats to owners Katherine and Ashley! 
Make an appointment to shop the showroom or buy online here.



{necklace- Brooklyn Flea// bag- vintage Pierre Cardin// headband- Pucci// glasses- Warby Parker}

La Petite Marmoset

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  1. What a great post! Thanks so much for coming out! You looked so cute! :) xx

  2. I didn't get to tell you how cute you looked last night, but I LOVED your dress! Thanks for this fun recap :)


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