What to Wear to...The White House

As you know, I grew up in DC; I'm a fourth generation native Washingtonian, so I don't know how I survived this long without visiting the White House.

Since I moved back to DC last summer I've been 3 times! Today, was by far my best experience to date.

Better than the time an old friend from my flight attendant days happened to be in town and we toured the White House gardens. Better than the time I took a tour inside the White House and the newly elected Mayor of DC (Vincent Gray) was on the tour with me!

Today was amazing, because it was a gorgeous day, I found just the right outfit, and the President of the United States of America walked right up to me...at which time I promptly dropped my camera and just starred. Don't worry I eventually pulled it together and took a few photos.


  WHAT I WORE: tip to toe
hat- Target, men's section
necklace- gifted
jacket- Target (Mossimo, similar here)
shoes- DV Dolce Vita
bag- Ferragamo (see what's in it here)

*pretty sure that's John Legend's girlfriend modelling my dress

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  1. how adorable are you in that frilly dress and hat! so cool you got to go to the white house, too. say hi to michelle for me next time ;)

  2. Good choice for the occasion! Sooo jealous of you..the White House, the President...!!! :)))


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